Kim Horner

Certified Life Coach

Despite facing challenges and setbacks, Kim has remained committed to her faith and found solace in her relationship with God. This unwavering belief in a higher power guided her toward self-discovery and ultimately allowed her to embrace her true identity as a child of God.

As a Certified Life Coach, Kim is dedicated to helping individuals who are grappling with their own identities. She recognizes that many people struggle with understanding who they are and often feel lost or disconnected from their true purpose in life. Kim's passion lies in connecting with these individuals and guiding them towards a deeper understanding of themselves, not just in terms of their own identities, but also in terms of their relationship with God.

Throughout her professional career, Kim has accumulated over 20 years of experience working as a preschool teacher and program director. In these roles, she had countless opportunities to provide guidance and support to parents who were navigating the challenges of raising children. Through her caring guidance, she offered advice, empathy, and understanding to parents, helping them find strength and resilience in their parenting journeys.

Additionally, as a mentor to teachers, Kim shared her knowledge and expertise on setting and achieving spiritual, professional, and personal goals. She believed that by empowering fellow educators, she could help them find fulfillment and purpose in their careers. 

Kim's life experiences have not been without hardships. She faced the pain and challenges of going through a divorce, which resulted in the loss of friendships and the reshaping of her family dynamic. Raising four daughters as a single mom brought its own set of challenges, from financial difficulties to the overwhelming responsibility of parenting alone.

Through it all, Kim remained resilient and discovered the strength she needed to overcome these obstacles. She believes that sharing her own story of struggles is a powerful way to connect with others who face similar challenges. By opening up about her experiences, Kim offers a message of hope and encouragement, reminding others that they are not alone in their struggles.

One of Kim's key strengths lies in her ability to show empathy. She has an understanding of the deep emotions and pressing trials that individuals face in their day-to-day lives, and she is able to offer genuine support and guidance. Kim recognizes the importance of providing a realistic perspective. She doesn't shy away from addressing difficult topics and tough situations, but instead, she empowers others to face them head-on and find strength within and beyond themselves.

In her role as a Certified Life Coach, Kim combines her personal experiences, professional expertise, and her unwavering faith to guide you toward self-discovery and more enriching life.

Let's Talk

Are you ready to enhance your ability to live in freedom and experience more enriched encounters in your life and relationships? If so, contact me today to schedule an appointment.


You can also call 949-287-5850 or email: for more information.

Identified Strengths


Saddleback College

Light University
Life Coach Certification, May 2023