
At FiRE, we understand that to nurture the spirit, we must first meet basic needs. We strive not only to be spiritual guides but also a helping hand in times of practical difficulties, whether it's preventing a family from losing their home or ensuring children have enough to eat and wear. Our mission is holistic, caring for both the soul and the earthly necessities.

Our purpose at FiRE goes beyond spiritual nurturing; it is grounded in the practical, compassionate support of families in distress. We believe that by meeting essential needs — like securing a safe home, providing food, and ensuring warm clothing — we pave the way for deeper spiritual growth and emotional healing. These fundamentals are the bedrock of our community, a network guided by the love and teachings of Jesus.

Yet, our mission reaches further still. Our endeavor is a collaborative one, leaning on the kind-heartedness of individuals who have experienced God’s love to foster a community where love manifests through action. Beyond financial contributions, which are always tax-deductible, there are various ways you can lend your hand:

  • Volunteering your time: From organizing food drives to mentoring young individuals, your time can be a beacon of hope in someone's life.

  • Donating essential items: Clothes, non-perishable foods, and household items can transform a family's living condition.

  • Skill-sharing: If you possess a skill or expertise that could benefit others, offering workshops or classes could be a wonderful way to uplift our community members.

Each action, each donation, reverberates, fostering a community grounded in the practical demonstration of Jesus' greatest commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself."

By stepping forward, you embody a spirit of giving, casting a light that guides others to a path of stability and enriching soul nourishment. Together, we build a nurturing, Christ-centered community where families can stand firm, enveloped in the grace and practical love demonstrated through FiRE’s network of support.

Join us at FiRE as we lovingly pursue the holistic well-being of our neighbors, fulfilling not only spiritual desires but catering to essential needs with empathy and action.

This is how we’ve come to understand and experience love: Christ sacrificed his life for us. This is why we ought to live sacrificially for our fellow believers, and not just be out for ourselves. If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God’s love? It disappears. And you made it disappear. 1 John 4:16-17 (MSG)

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.