Love, It Is A Choice

Love, in its purest form, is a force that transcends fleeting emotions and superficial affections. It's a conscious choice, a commitment to stand by someone's side through thick and thin, to sacrifice for their well-being, and to extend forgiveness even in the face of hurt. This profound aspect of love, rooted in commitment, is a testament to its enduring power. Love, as a choice, involves unwavering commitment to another person, a mission, or a higher purpose.

To illustrate the depth of this commitment, we turn to the ultimate example: the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. He demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to God's mission by willingly sacrificing Himself for the sake of all humanity. He possessed the power to save Himself, to wield fear as a tool of obedience, yet He chose a different path—a path of love and self-sacrifice that ultimately leads to freedom.

Here are three key facets of love as a choice: commitment, sacrifice, and forgiveness. These elements form the foundation of authentic love, not only in our human relationships but also in our connection with God. Through these facets, we uncover the profound nature of love, its transformative power, and its ability to bring about true freedom—a freedom that is felt from the depths of the human heart and soul.

Love’s Commitment

One of the clearest ways that love is a choice is through commitment. When you love someone, you make a deliberate decision to be there for them, to support them, and to work through challenges together. This commitment isn't solely based on emotion; it's a choice to stand by someone's side even when the initial euphoria of a relationship or a situation fades. This is not easy, that is why it is a commitment. It says, “I will remain steadfast.”

Jesus demonstrated His commitment to God's mission by willingly sacrificing Himself for humanity. While He possessed the power to save Himself and potentially enforce obedience through fear, He chose the path of love and self-sacrifice. This act exemplifies the profound nature of true love, it remained steadfast, even to the point of self-sacrifice.

Love’s Sacrifice

Love always involves sacrifice. Whether it's sacrificing your time, your resources, or your own desires for the benefit of someone else, this sacrifice is a tangible demonstration of love. Choosing to put someone else's well-being and happiness above your own is a powerful act of love.

In the New Testament, Jesus repeatedly emphasized the importance of self-sacrifice and putting others first. One of the most well-known passages is from the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 22:37-39), where Jesus says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" This commandment calls for a selfless love that places the well-being of others on an equal footing with one's own. As a human, you will at times offend the one you love and you will want to receive forgiveness. So then, your love must forgive.

Love’s Forgiveness

Love includes forgiveness. When someone you love hurts you or makes a mistake, you have a choice to hold onto that anger and resentment or to forgive them. Forgiveness is a conscious decision to let go of negative emotions and move forward with understanding and love (commitment, sacrifice).

Un-forgiveness can lead to prolonged stress and anxiety. When you harbor negative feelings towards someone, you may constantly replay the hurtful events in your mind, leading to rumination and obsession. This can contribute to conditions like depression and anxiety disorders. Furthermore, it can cause resentment making it impossible to develop trust in other relationships. When you can’t let go, you can’t move on.

Jesus' life and teachings exemplified the transformative power of forgiveness. He emphasized that forgiveness was not merely an act of kindness but a profound spiritual principle—a path to reconciliation, inner peace, and freedom. Jesus' ability to forgive, even in the most challenging circumstances, continues to serve as an enduring and inspiring model for humanity, encouraging us to cultivate forgiveness in our own lives.

Love - It is Eternal

Love is not merely a fleeting emotion; it's a conscious decision to commit, to sacrifice, and to forgive. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ stand as the ultimate testament to these principles. Jesus, in His unwavering commitment to God's mission, demonstrated that love calls for self-sacrifice, even in the face of the greatest challenges. His ability to forgive, exemplified on the cross, illustrates the liberating and transformative power of extending forgiveness to others.

In our own lives, we can draw inspiration from this profound understanding of love. By choosing commitment, we build enduring relationships based on trust and support. Through sacrifice, we show that the well-being of others is as important as our own. And in forgiveness, we break free from the chains of resentment, allowing love to reignite and heal.

Ultimately, love as a choice brings freedom—a freedom to embrace deeper connections, to overcome challenges, and to live with compassion, grace, and understanding. As we navigate the complexities of our human experience, let us remember that the choices we make in the name of love have the power to shape our lives and the lives of those around us, echoing the eternal truth that love is indeed a profound and transformative choice.

If you would like to be coached in the way of loving to enrich your life and release you into a life of true freedom, I would be delighted to help you on this journey. Please take time today to schedule an appointment with me. - Kim


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